Savvy runners know that running takes more than well-developed calf muscles, stamina and a can-do spirit. Serious athletes also require education and a healthy network of people who share their love of running, and what better way to meet a high concentration of them than by attending Road and Trail 17?
This dynamic convention will gather enough experts to give you the equivalent of a degree in the art of running, wrapped around three opportunities to show your running mettle.
Show up at Bedok Reservoir and Singapore Sports Hub for this three-day festival of fitness over the long weekend that spans 10th February (Friday) to 12th February (Sunday).
You won’t have a moment of down time if you take in all of the lectures, sessions and workshops and undertake two running challenges—8km and 17.5km which equal to the Ultra-half that showcases the best of the best.
Eager to start the year 2017 on the wild side? This annual convention/competition combo meets that criteria and more.
About Runner’s Convention
We start by advising you that early bird registration for this super event is going to end on 31st December, so read through this article quickly so you beat that deadline and get the discount you deserve by visiting SpaceBib right now.
Your affordable entry fee covers a lot, including sitting in on the seminars and distance races that can lead you to the Ultra-half Weekend Challenge that closes out the weekend’s menu of activities.
While plans to stage this dynamic combination of running and learning are still evolving, this unique event is following in the footsteps of successful 2015 and 2016 Road and Trail marathons, so the only difference you’ll notice, if you participated in the past events, will be improvements organisers put into place to make this already-popular combo event even better.

See and be seen
If the names Ricky Lightfoot, Lizzy and Scott Hawker, Stone Tsang, Racing the Planet and Janet and Steve ring a bell, you’re in for a treat, because these elite athletes and celebs have been a big part of this iconic conclave since 2015 and many will headline this year’s convention as well.
But, they’re just the tip of the iceberg Physical fitness specialists, professionals and running gurus will share insights on myriad topics that include the latest gear, running and recovery advice, nutrition and diet information, as well as enhancing your training protocols.
The injury prevention tips you’ll learn from experts might just save you from a nasty injury that could put a temporary end to your running programme.
When you’re not taking part in the scheduled runs or attending seminars and workshops over the long weekend, there will be plenty of opportunities to talk one-on-one with athletes you admire, learn best practices from wise authorities and make friends who share your passion for athletics and healthy living.
Who knows—you could even find your soul mate sitting beside you on one of these days, so make sure you show up looking good!
Race start times suit everyone’s schedule
If one of your chief complaints about day-long events is having to arise when roosters announce the start of a new day, don’t fret. Start times vary throughout this weekend so your internal time clock isn’t disrupted.
Use our list as your guide to allot enough time throughout the weekend to do and see everything you desire.
Because the first event on Friday the 10th doesn’t begin until 1900 hours when Wyan Chow kicks off a practical session you won’t want to miss, you don’t even have to lie to your boss about why you need to leave work early.
Day two (Saturday; the 11th) is filled with diverse activities starting at 1030 hours when lectures and workshops, presented by people you admire and respect, are expected to attract big audiences.
After sitting through these sessions, you’ll look forward to the 8km Road race flagging off at 1600 hours, so your legs get an equal workout to the one your brain received at this day’s presentations.
All good things must come to an end
On Sunday the 12th, you will be asked to get out of bed early if you intend to do the 17.5km Bedok Reservoir trail run, commencing at 0800 hours. Don’t pack up your gear to leave after this event, however.
If you elected to take part in both the 8km and 17.5km, you’ve beat the Ultra-half challenge, so have at it!
Even if you’re not part of this last event, why not stick around to cheer on those who have managed to qualify for the ultra and to witness this weekend festival’s conclusion?
Entitlements include men’s and women’s running singlets and if you hang in there and meet the expectations you set for yourself when you signed up for this three-day event, you’ll also bring home any or all of these goodies: a road run finisher tee, trail run finisher tee, finisher medal or the testament to your endurance and prowess: a commemorative finisher tee reserved only for those who finish the Ultra-half Weekend Challenge.
Can you think of a single reason why you shouldn’t go all in for this comprehensive weekend of athletic and intellectual stimulation? We didn’t think so!
How important is the topic of runner education? Do you belong to the school of thought that states running alone is preparation enough to make a champion, or do you believe that proper education is critical to a new or seasoned runner’s success?
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