Indonesia’s city of Makassar will host the Running Festival Half Marathon 2014 after last year’s success. The annual event will be held for 2 days starting on 11 to 12 October 2014.
This year’s theme for the Makassar 2014 Running Festival is “Run to the Lost Atlantis”. Mayor of Makassar, Mr IR. h. Moh Pomanto Ramdhan conveyed in his opening address the reason of the theme, referring to the research of a professor named Arysio Nunes dos Santos, and his theory that Indonesia is believed to be the lost city of Atlantis.
Running on the Beautiful Seafront
The Makassar 2014 Running Festival will take place on the scenic Losari Beach area, and will include 5 main categories for runners. The So Good Half Marathon (21km), 10km run and 5km run distances will be open for the public. Another 5km and 3m run will be open separately for students as a means to encourage young athletes and youth involvement in sports.
Additionally, the Makassar 2014 Running Festival will also hold a Baby and Kids Racetoon and Costumed Fun Run on 11 October as a lead up to the main races.

Experiencing Makassar’s Historic Sites and Scenic Views
Historically, Makassar was a bustling trade city for the spice trade in the 16th century. Participants running the half marathon distance will get see historical sights such as Fort Rotterdam, the beautiful seaside view of Losari Beach, and more.
After the running festival, be sure to check out the local attractions in Makassar. Have a look at the Masjid Amirul Mukminin, a unique floating mosque located near the Losari waterfront. Stay around Losari Beach for a truly memorable sensut, and try the Coto Makassar, a traditional soup found only in Makassar that is served with rice cakes.
The Makassar Running Festival 2014 will take place on 11 to 12 October 2014. Registrations are now open, and admission fees vary from US$40 for the half marathon distance to US$20 for the 5km distance.