Hundreds of participants gather on Sunday (16th December 2018) together to raise funds for the Singapore Heart Foundation. Taking place at Boost in Yoga Style, this was a fundraising event co-organised by Lenovo and Pure Yoga with a turn out of over 600 participants across Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan region. There were at least 116 participants who participated locally at the National Gallery of Singapore.
It was confirmed that the total donation towards the Singapore Heart Foundation was S$4,500. Additionally, the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® Title for the “Most people performing the warrior I pose (yoga) simultaneously (multiple venues)” across three cities in Asia was snagged by Lenovo during the event itself.

Country General Manager for Singapore Lenovo, Mr Eddie Ang mentioned:
This event represents a unique partnership between Lenovo and Pure Yoga and is aligned with our shared goal of enriching and enhancing lives in the community. We are glad to see such a positive turnout today and are delighted to have achieved the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDSTM title together with Pure Yoga. We hope that the money we’ve raised goes a long way in helping patients at the Singapore Heart Foundation.
Ms Miryam Acosta from Pure Yoga Singapore added:
Partnering with a consumer-focused brand like Lenovo is important for us to deliver a differentiated experience for our members, and Boost in Yoga Style was a great way to drive awareness by leveraging the power of yoga to benefit the community.

This GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ achievement is aligned with Lenovo’s shift toward becoming a customer-centric organisation with the belief that ‘different is better’, exemplified through partnerships that deliver better value and unique experiences to users.