Close your eyes and think “green.” What comes to mind? Do your thoughts turn to trees and plants you pass along your run routes, reptiles or environmental initiatives – or gorgeous lime green running shoes calling your name from your favourite shop window?
Few would disagree that all shades of this soothing, mellow colour have the ability to slow the pulse and improve one’s state of mind. Mother Nature designed it that way!
Do you worry about the fragile state of our planet? Calendar three days in September — the 9th to the 11th — to increase your understanding of all things sustainable at Singapore’s second annual Green Living event, to be held at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre, Hall D Level B2.
Admission is free and you’re very likely to run into fellow runners who cherish this planet as much as you do.
The 2016 event is themed Cities of Love. Every workshop, attraction and display is designed to enhance your understanding of the ways you and your family can live a greener life.
Bring the kids. Come with running buddies. Make it a family affair. Take public transport (Bayfront MRT stop) and bring your curiosity along so you get the most from this eye-opening experience.
Improve your health
Start your adventure by participating in an energising yoga class conducted by the owner of Strala, Tara Stiles, and two associates. Attend cooking workshops sponsored by Balanced Living to learn the ins and outs of “Super Eating for the Whole Family.”
Pick up tips from naturopathic nutritionist Tiffany Wee and stick around for a lively interactive cooking demonstration that offers the inside story on keeping your growing family healthy and your running body toned and fit.
Of course, it all starts in the garden, so whether you’ve already got a green thumb or the closest you get to veggies is shopping for produce, growing tips from Biomax and Ecoponics staffers could change your attitude toward natural, self-sustaining and low maintenance gardening. With all of this food talk, you may need refreshments.
Sample organic and responsibly-sourced foods from the Le Bono Collection and make your own yummy smoothie at Le Bono Café on the pedal-powered smoothie bicycle.
Enhance your home
If you follow sustainable living trends, you may already know that bamboo is the star of today’s flooring market. But did you know that other fast-growing woods are equally green?
IKEA and other home-environment and building-related authorities will be on hand to show you how to make, customise and re-purpose things to give all sorts of organic materials a “second life” after leaving your creative hands.
Pair your desire to craft decorative projects with your love of plants and produce a sustainable terrarium.
As a green runner, you likely welcome chances to learn about living a simpler life, and to do just that, you’re invited to indulge in as many eco-conscious workshops at the event as your time and attention allow.
We feel the need to issue a warning: The urge to get your hands on old bottles that can be re-made into gorgeous lamps may be too strong to resist after you learn how to make these at one of the classes guaranteed to inspire your inner crafter.
Pamper your senses
If that yoga class got your immediate attention, physical fitness buffs will get equally enthused by opportunities to learn more about mediating stress levels courtesy of the folks at Balanced Living, a wellness centre that has all the answers when it comes to relaxation, homeopathic products, weight loss options and soothing meditation techniques.
Whether you’re an uptight business exec or you’re trying to juggle a job, kids and life, learn to enhance your current running commitment with less-strenuous activities that round out your fitness programme. Start now by saying Aaahhh.
Once your head is free of clutter, get your glam on by partaking in beauty indulgences guaranteed to be therapeutic, eco-friendly and cruelty free. Event organisers expect a long queue at “Green Beauty. Where to Start?” activities lead by Habiba.
Find out how much Ayelli’s homemade Moroccan Argan oil can do for your skin and attend the Balm Kitchen ‘Natural Beauty Oil’ workshop aimed at sharing secrets of botanical-based skincare and body care products that are effective and affordable.
Meet business owners who share your concerns
In addition to learning to prepare nutritional meals with a gourmand’s touch, glorify your home and showing your environmental concerns, make the acquaintance of local businesses owners who feel just as you do about conservation.
Chat with aspiring green entrepreneurs, business owners and members of the Singapore Environment Council, each of whom would be delighted to show you how to reduce your own carbon footprint using creative green techniques and methods.
Explore fascinating ways to recycle and re-purpose materials courtesy of the Eco-Market Place creative team, eager to show you how to turn wood pallets into one-of-a-kind furniture. Pick up products recommended by Gardenasia and Mums@Work while your kids learn to turn plastic material into flowers.
Don’t be surprised to learn that many of these business owners share your passion for running!
4 good reasons to attend
Astounded that so much can be packed into three days? We agree. But if you need more incentive, think about these attendance benefits:
- Admission is free so you can absorb a boat-load of knowledge without opening your wallet.
- If you’ve heard about Strala-led yoga sessions but had neither the time nor money to try one, this one won’t cost a cent.
- This is a family affair. Visit the event website to see what awaits for your entire party.
- All aspects of this three-day green tribute are choreographed to enhance the health you cherish — the good health that enables you to run now and into the future.
Wait to sign-up at your own peril!
So many tips; so many ideas! Wrap up your event experience by purchasing one of a limited number of “Cities of Love” books, due for release in time for the event. Lovingly compiled by Mr. Tai Lee Siang and Ms. Valerie Ang, the book outlines 12 ingredients crucial for building and sustaining green cities, so queue up early for your copy so they’re not all sold out by the time you arrive at the head of the line.
This is one situation in which waiting could leave you out in the cold so we urge you to go immediately to sign up for workshops that interest you most. These workshops are purposely kept to a manageable size and could fill fast, so hurry and secure seats at all of the green-focused sessions you care about most!
How have you incorporated green-living principles into your life? Would you care to share your innovative tip(s) with our readers to spread your idea(s) even further?