As a mother of two, Lorna Wong is one motivation runner in her running community. The 45 year-old Master Of The Streets ambassador is a personal trainer, yoga teacher and F45 training group instructor.
If you examine the #keepmoving hashtag on her Instagram post. You might be fascinated by the meaning that she is trying to inspire. She wishes to keep your body moving and brings joy in your life, no matter what sport you are in even though you just do it in a short time.
Let’s hear her story as she shared useful tips about running and yoga.
RS: Master Of The Streets is an online race that challenges runners to conquer the place that they run in. So can you share with us your favourite place to run?
Lorna: My favourite place to run is around Desa Sri Hartamas and Publika, because it is convenient for me during weekdays. It is a popular place for runners to run as it is a loop. But on weekends, I will head over to the Taman Tun Park as well as inside the trail in Bukit Kiara. Once we run out from the trail, we will go to the famous soya bean called “Jenny Hong Soya Bean” to get a drink.
RS: What drives you to include running in your daily life?
Lorna: It makes me move forward, in fact, I started running when I was 15 year-old for almost 25 years. I had never stopped, except when I have my two boys. Running makes me starts my day, I find it without running, it is like you don’t eat rice, which is I can’t survive.
RS: What is your main purpose to run daily?
Lorna: Actually, I don’t run every day. But without running, I feel that my stamina and endurance will drop. So, I would run for about 3 to 4 times per week for about 5 to 10 km if there is no race. I will add one additional day if I have races coming up, but it will be more structure and also it depends on the races that I signed up.
RS: What do you enjoy the most throughout your running journey?
Lorna: Definitely, it is the people I meet! It is part of my social life. But since I am injured and did not run for almost 2 months, that is the social circle I missed. I love exchanging conversations during the run or hang out before and after the run.

Running is a celebration of my life.
RS: How do you motivate yourself when you encounter a challenging race?
Lorna: I just have to tell myself to dig deep and keep going. I had one race in the past when I twisted my ankle and I have to stop halfway. To me, if I started the race, I will have to finish it. So, I started to walk and run slowly during the race. It is just like in life, there is always a few step backs whenever you do something. But in the end, I came out as the champion with a twisted ankle. The funniest part is I don’t feel the pain, because the desire to finish the race was so strong that it overcame the pain.
RS: You are into yoga too. How did yoga bring you joy in your life?
Lorna: To me, I wouldn’t use the word joy in yoga. It is more towards a achieving balance as running is intense, it goes the same to weight lifting in the gym as well. I believe that you can’t run for your whole life, so yoga brings the balance out. I feel calm and centred when I am doing yoga. It just shuts off the stress and focus on myself. Yoga also makes you feel grateful as you have a body to allow you to bend and being able to get back to running the next time.
RS: What is the best yoga stretching for before and after a run?
Lorna: Before running, I wouldn’t suggest yoga as you will need dynamic stretches, which is moving stretches. So, you don’t hold a position for too long. Maybe you could do a quad and glutes stretch and hold it for about 3 to 5 seconds, and not stretching for over 10 seconds. When you go for a run, you might not want your muscles to relax, so you would want them to get active or wake up and hit the road after. Do reserve yoga after run for about 30 minutes to 1 hour or maybe later in the evening.
RS: What does running means to you?
Lorna: It is a difficult question! It means a lot to me as it is part of my life. It is a celebration of my life. Every morning when I wake up, I am so grateful to be alive because I am able to go out for a run even it is a short one. It is an acknowledgement that I am able to move.
Lorna believes that nothing should restrict people to run in their own terms, that’s why she strongly recommends everyone to try out Master Of The Streets Online Race.
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#E71E36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”12″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”5″ desc=”Sign Up To Be A Master”]Master Of The Streets 2020[/su_button] [su_note note_color=”#000000″ text_color=”#FFFFFF”]Master Of The Streets is an online race presented by Spacebib. You can sign up for the race to undertake your journey of mastering your health and life with running.[/su_note]