Celebrities are fortunate to have staff who do everything for them, from walking dogs to preparing meals, but when it’s time to get fit, this is one job even a high-profile celeb must do on his own!
In fact, famous people who run make awesome role models, thus it’s not unusual to follow diets they recommend, and who hasn’t emulated a star’s fashion pick when it’s time to dress up?
It’s a great idea to follow in the footfalls of international celebrities who love to run. Which of the following inspires you most?
1. Pamela Anderson

Claim to Fame: She’s the internationally beloved “Baywatch” babe.
Motivation: Pamela Anderson’s starring turn on “Baywatch” catapulted her to fame decades ago, and her career literally depended upon staying fit so she always looked gorgeous in her signature red swimsuit. Now 50, she says that while age is just a number, she still believes that staying fit is the way to graceful aging which is why she still looks awesome in red and every other color.
Inspiration: Among Anderson’s proudest accomplishments was her 2013 New York City Marathon charity run on behalf of the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. She finished in 5:41:03 despite bruises and exhaustion!
2. Jenson Button

Claim to fame: Formula One race car driver.
Motivation: His need for speed is as strong on the marathon and triathlon scene as it is on the track, so this competitor pulls out all stops — especially when running high profile events like the London Marathon or the Philippines Ironman. Button is still seeking to beat his 2:52:30 PB back in 2014.
Inspiration: Jenson runs for himself, for his health and also for Cancer Research UK.
3. Will Ferrell

Claim to fame: This comic of TV fame went on to movie stardom.
Motivation: Ferrell says that running and laughing are both great medicine and he proves it by participating in marathons year-round. His passport stays up-to-date so he’s ready for the international circuit. From New York to Stockholm, Ferrell takes his finish times seriously, while seeking to best his Boston Marathon 3:56:12 finish.
Inspiration: Visit this page: https://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/will-ferrell to see how generous Ferrell is with his time and his running shoes!
4. Kevin Hart

Claim to Fame: Popular U.S. comedian and movie star
Motivation: Hart loves showing his children that their father may be small at 5-foot-4, but he’s mighty when he runs. Hart’s introduction to running was impromptu: While touring, he needed ways to relax and discovered that 2 to 3 mile daily runs did the job. These days, he favours running 5ks.
Inspiration: Kevin Hart never rules out trying a marathon and usually cites fellow funny men like Will Ferrell who serve as his inspiration, in addition to his kids, of course!
5. Mario Lopez

Claim to fame: The former teen idol is a wildly popular TV show host in the U.S.
Motivation: Lopez knows that his movie star looks won’t last if he fails to stay fit. He finds running not just therapeutic, but says it helps his brain stay sharp. Lopez’s New York City Marathon finish of 4:23:29 remains a crowning achievement, but actively supporting the 2014 Las Vegas Marathon proved equally thrilling.
Inspiration: When Lopez ran the Las Vegas Marathon with 35,000 others, he helped raise money for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, but his passion for animal rights causes is where his heart lies.
6. Haruki Murakami

Claim to fame: He’s one of Japan’s most beloved and iconic authors.
Motivation: Sitting at a computer to churn out award-winning books like “Norwegian Wood” and “Sputnik Sweetheart” fed his wallet but not his body back in 1978, thus Murakami realised that if he was going to have a long career, exercise was critical. He quickly developed a running addiction that remains to this day, despite reaching his 60s.
Inspiration: Murakami’s best-selling memoir, “What I Talk about When I Talk about Running” inspires readers to run every day. He says, “If a marathon is a battle, it’s one you wage against yourself.”
7. Gordon Ramsay

Claim to fame: This celebrity chef is as well known for his temper as his fabulous food
Motivation: Anyone who has watched Chef Gordon Ramsey scream, shout and throw pots and pans knows it’s best to get out of the way when things get hot in the kitchen. But by running marathons, he gets on top of some of those outbursts. Ramsay’s London Marathon finish time best of 4:26:21 is as impressive as his cookery.
Inspiration: Gordon Ramsay launched the Gordon Ramsay Foundation in 2014. His £2 million fundraising goal will benefit Cancer Research UK, Action Against Hunger and the Scottish Spina Bifida Association.
8. Ryan Reynolds

Claim to fame: Handsome enough to make “People” magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive cover, his comedic and dramatic films have proven that he’s more than just a pretty face!
Motivation: Canadian Ryan Reynolds admits to running in middle school but his pursuit of a movie career ultimately began demanding all of his time. But when he met actor and Parkinson’s disease activist Michael J. Fox, he was motivated to run again. Training for the 2008 New York Marathon became a family affair; his father was also diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Posting a time of 3:50:22, he did them both proud!
Inspiration: Given the chance, Ryan Reynolds would be at any marathon start line benefitting Parkinson’s charities — particularly now that he has a baby daughter to run home to!
9. Mark Zuckerberg

Claim to fame: He’s the founder and CEO of Facebook.
Motivation: Mark Zuckerberg is a self-admitted geek who would rather tinker with software programs and apps than exercise, but when he made a 2016 fitness resolution to run one mile every day, he used social media to spread the word, launching Facebook group A Year of Running. He’ll be in good company. More than 44,000 followers have agreed to run a mile a day, too!
Inspiration: In a fitting end to this list, Zuckerberg’s charitable endeavours are literally over the moon: In December 2015, he announced that he would donate 99-percent of Facebook’s profit to charity. Anyone who isn’t inspired by this CEO’s generosity needs to get out and run more!
Can you think of other international celebrities worthy of making our list?