We would like to bring your attention to what is probably obvious and has been governing the vision of RunSociety since the beginning. The RunSociety team follows a stringent set of rules and principles. RunSociety tries to persuade you not with quantity, but with the quality of the information we present.
To be clear, RunSociety is a professional and independent online publication that is neither controlled nor influenced by third parties. Our advertisers or our partners have no influence on our content or editing process. We continually revise and update these rules to ensure that the quality of our content is never compromised.
Our ethics statement listed below is important for all in the RunSociety Team and its contributors. We endeavor to follow all of these rules as best we can as they explicitly guide our mission in writing, editing, and communication.
Every article published on RunSociety fulfills specific criteria: the quality of content is important to us, and our task is to advocate for and protect the interests of our readers and the running community. Every article is scrutinised for errors before it gets published on RunSociety.
- RunSociety will always be an independent voice. We do not favour any specific brands or companies. We try to bring our own judgment to bear, based on thorough reporting and reasonable analysis. If someone complains about an article, we will investigate promptly and justly. If we are right, we will stand by the story regardless of who is complaining. If we are wrong, we will say so forthrightly and make whatever amendments which seem appropriate and fair.
- RunSociety may update any of their articles to reflect any latest information or changes so as to ensure the validity of its content. When an article has been updated, a statement of the changes will be indicated at the bottom of the article.
- RunSociety reserves the right to edit, remove, correct or reject any article anytime that we deem fit without any prior notice to the author.
- RunSociety may publish sponsored articles or advertorials and they will be indicated clearly in each piece.
- RunSociety occasionally publishes press releases or any other public relations (PR) content. All of them will be subject to the discretion of RunSociety and edited for the benefit of the running community.
- RunSociety does not influence the opinions of its writers or contributors and does not force them to tailor their work to fit our personal interests, objectives or opinions.
- RunSociety articles have no hidden advertisements. All advertisements will be indicated as such.
- Advertisers and sponsors have no influence on RunSociety’s content.
- RunSociety does not participate in any kind of affiliate marketing with the exception for our own products.
- RunSociety respects the rights of writers, contributors, photographers and runners. RunSociety would never publish links to illegal sources that reproduce the work of others or that violate authors’ rights. We strive to detect illegal sources or copyright infringement through a reasonable effort by double-checking material to be published.
- RunSociety will always indicate appropriate credits for any images, quotes and relevant materials to the respective owner.
- RunSociety will not knowingly create work which contains statements, suggestions or images offensive to general public decency. RunSociety will be sensitive and give appropriate consideration to the impact of our work on minority segments of the population, whether that minority be by race, religion, national origin, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age or disability.
- RunSociety does not participate in any kind of link baiting or partner-linking system.
- In order to ensure optimized browsing experience for our readers, we try very hard to make RunSociety free from viruses and malicious or harmful attacks.
- Links in RunSociety articles are not for sale. RunSociety never places links as favours to business partners or any third parties unless for accreditation or necessary purposes.
- We have a thorough quality control system in place and we make sure that the article respects the rights of writers, contributors, photographers, and runners.
- RunSociety is open to receiving constructive criticism and suggestions from readers and friends; but it would never perform favours in return for them. RunSociety’s recommendations are based on the expertise of its authors and are made in the best interests of its readers and the running community.
- All articles published on RunSociety will be the property of RunSociety and they may be published or used elsewhere, either in print or digital by RunSociety or its approved partners. Of course, authors are credited in all articles and in all translations of articles published by RunSociety.
- RunSociety always covers its own travel expenses and other fees related to research and work.
We may accept travel, accommodation or other sponsorship from companies we cover however they will never affect our judgement and review of the job. If we review an event or product at a sponsored event, we’ll disclose it in the review.
We do not usually discuss reviews with organisers or brands prior to the review being published. We may send a draft to brands or organisers for verifying facts and figures. RunSociety will assess any events or products that are sent for our review. They will always be transparent and explained clearly. This is done completely at the discretion of RunSociety writers and editors.
When any contributor of RunSociety has affiliations that may represent a material conflict of interest with their reporting, we will disclose the information in their personal bio on the site, or in context or footnotes of that piece. RunSociety always remains neutral and will try to avoid conflict of brands, events, sponsors, and advertisers.
It is our policy not to pay sources. On certain occasions, we may contract with a source as a co-creator or originator of content. Anonymous sources must prove their identity to RunSociety to be cited in a story. We protect the identity of our sources. Please note that our general policy is that we do not provide compensation for tips.
RunSociety makes every effort for stories to be completely accurate and error-proof upon publication. Inaccurate stories will be corrected but not removed.
We have advertisements on our site, and they are one of our main sources of revenue. RunSociety has its own advertising team responsible for selling ad space on our site. We do not accept money or other considerations from companies as a condition or incentive to write a review or story, whether favourable or unfavourable, on RunSociety. All reviews and other editorial material on the RunSociety site are based on our editorial discretion, and not based on the desire of any company, advertiser or PR firm. We do not comment on advertisers ads but reserve the right to reject, suggest or select advertisers that are in the best interests of our readers and running community. Our policies do permit placements of advertorial on RunSociety. We will endeavor to clearly indicate any advertisement or “infomercial” (Sponsored, Press Releases, etc.) shown on RunSociety.
Occasionally, RunSociety will conduct contests and giveaways for readers on the site. We will post rules and regulations for each contest, which will be binding on contestants who decide to participate. Giveaways of products are not, and should never be considered, endorsements of the companies involved or their products. We never use donated products as prizes for our contests and giveaways.
Our editors, news writers and photographers are often asked and invited to appear in a professional capacity as experts on various events, press conferences, news, seminars, or other media and publicity events. These appearances do not constitute the endorsement of any products, companies, or services discussed. We may assign or engage anyone to represent RunSociety to attend the event. RunSociety may also reject such invites without the need to provide any reason.
Companies may send products or samples to our editors in order for our staff to review them and determine whether we will provide a review of the product on RunSociety.
However, there is no guarantee we will publish a review simply because the company sends us a sample. We do not accept any preconditions for receiving products.
Please note that companies may provide these samples before the product is commercially available, in which case, we may agree to an embargo with the company or its PR firm. This means we agree not to publish the review or associated news until a given time.
Occasionally, we may decide to review something, which has not been provided to us by a company. In this case, RunSociety may purchase the product for ourselves.
RunSociety will continue to strive to make a positive contribution to society and the environment by: maintaining high standards of editorial ethics; respecting human rights; respecting the environment; supporting community and charitable organisations; supporting employee development; and managing significant corporate responsibility risks in our supply chain.
These are guidelines and principles we follow by choice, and have determined as a group to abide by, because we think they are the best way to conduct our business. If you have further questions about our ethics or business practices, you should contact us.
(rs), Version 1.8 — January 2015