The On The Hills 10K has a reputation to uphold that matches products the On company has introduced that were named ISPO Product of the Year and Gold Award for the Best Performance Shoes 2017/18.
What’s the secret behind On company’s product offerings? A clever CloudTec sole that’s the envy of competitors, so what better way to celebrate the marriage of a soft/hard/fast training shoe than by sponsoring a 10km event that’s off the beaten track—literally and figuratively?
Report to the farm for this 10km event
Step off from the MOE Dairy Farm Outdoor Adventure Centre after the roosters have been up for hours at 8 a.m. (after reporting between 7 a.m. and 7:45 a.m.) on 2nd June 2018. Since there’s a 2-hour cut-off, you may wish to recruit your own rooster to make sure you don’t sleep in on 2nd June.
Despite the 10km distance limitation, expect On The Hills to deliver thrills from the get-go as the course takes you from upslope and downslope through trails (10-percent), gravel (5-percent) and tarmac (85-percent).
But pounding your way over these types of surfaces isn’t all you will be asked to do: part of the race will take you through the Zhenghua Park Connector (PCN). The PCN is filled with hills and dales guaranteed to challenge your calves. You’ll also navigate the Dairy Farm Nature Park, but no stopping to commune with the animals if you are focused on your timing.

A bounty of benefits
Queue for entitlements on either On The Hills pick-up date: 26th or 27th May 2018 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Running Lab @ Marina Bay. Collect your event t-shirt, Running Lab carrier bag, logo-embellished On water bottle and a copy of the digital edition of RUN Singapore.
Bring cash or your credit card because there will be exclusive discounts on merchandise just for On The Hills registrants at the Marina Square branch. Free 26th and 27th May issues of RUN Singapore will be given to the first 200 runners showing up.
Race organisers will feed you, too
Run your 10km with all of the enthusiasm you can muster, knowing that premium food and beverages await you at the finish point, so you not only get a medal but some yummy chow, too. Other race sponsors will be on hand to give participants discounts and special offers only for the farm crowd.
If you survive that variation in terrain and you’re among the top 3 finishers in the 4 categories (Men’s Open and Veteran; Women’s Open and Veteran), you not only get pair of On shoes as a prize, but a signature carrier bag and a year’s subscription to RUN Singapore’s digital edition. Feeling incentivised?
Sign up now at Spacebib and get ready to conquer some hills!
Why alternating terrain benefits you
Mario Fraioli knows a thing or two about the benefits of switching up terrain types to achieve a more comprehensive running experience. He interviewed veteran and seasoned runners and learned that every time a runner encounters a terrain change, his mind gets sharper and boredom disappears.
Changing terrain delivers physical benefits, too, says Central Connecticut State’s Head Track and Field Coach Eric Blake. With every turf switch, a runner works different muscles. This especially benefits muscles that have been neglected as a result of running on only one surface type.

On The Hills gives you a chance to experience turf variety
Running on soft ground strengthen ankles and soothes aches and pains that result from joint and bone trauma while hard surfaces heighten performance, hardening legs and preparing them to do battle against life’s physical stressors.
Run on paved surfaces and you’re less likely to roll an ankle or trip over an obstacle. Further, you can improve your race rhythm on hard surfaces when fast-twitch muscle fibers fire faster. You might say that you get the most amount of benefits by combining the two and this race delivers that opportunity exactly.
On the other hand, there are plenty of reasons to stick with one, but we still urge you to train on various types of terrain if you are eager to leave the farm with a prize in your possession!
Do you see the benefit of surface variation running or are you committed to one over another? If so, what’s your reasoning?
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