The best thing about running, really, is that you do not have to compete with anyone. You race against yourself to become stronger. Of course, it does help to have some professional help.
As the date for U Run approaches, a group of lucky runners have been picked to become U Run Champions. They will undergo an 8-week training programme developed by fitness trainers from Absolute Living Group to gear them up for the big challenge – U Run 2013.

Last Saturday morning, trainer Liew Wei Yong began the session by introducing the training programme to the Champions. She also gave a quick talk, explaining the importance of a structured training programme supported by a healthy diet.

Wei Yong has a vast experience of running and willingly shared valuable tips with the Champions. As the U Run Champions received a Maxinutrition goodie bag with sports drink shakes, electrolyte tablets, and power gels, Wei Yong explained to them the differences and how they should go about using the products to aid their training.
After that, Wei Yong and her assistant, Zen, gave each participant an individual health assessment. From this assessment, the trainers then helped the Champions set personal goals and designed individual training programmes to help achieve these goals.

The U Run Champions were very different in terms of age, fitness and running experience but they all had one thing in common – they were motivated to grow stronger and healthier.
The easy part of the morning was over. The trainers took the Champions out for a jog around the scenic area of Boat Quay, where Absolute Living Group is located. Zen demonstrated a series of dynamic warm-up to help the Champions prevent injuries in their own training.
After the run, the Champions had a short breather before the gym session. Gym training is an important aspect of training as it strengthens the muscles for running. Zen also emphasized breathing techniques while doing weights to improve training and prevent injury.

The Champions learnt simple exercises like Superman, Calves Raises, Half Crunch, Leg Raise, Sumo Squat, Forward Lunge, Chest Press and Seated Row. Most of these, they could do at home without any expensive gym equipment.
Watch the video to find out more about the Champions and see highlights from the training!
The best thing about running is that everyone is a champion. Every individual has his own story, goals and dreams. You are a champion when you run with your heart.
Watch this space to see more updates and follow the Champions’ journey!
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